My date of Birth: 17-3-2013

Dear family and friends,

After all that happened I couldn’t wait either, and although my Mom took all possible precautions and rest staying home in Valparaiso – Chile, I decided that last Sunday night March 17th, 2013 at 23:00h and with 34 weeks & 6 days it was time to see what life is all about, and proudly present myself: Enzo Omar Koning Venegas, born with 2,6kg / 5.7 Pounds & 45cm / 17.7″.
Compared to my brother Dante (, 6 weeks extra in Mom’s womb make a huge difference (5.7 vs 3.3 Lbs, 17.7″ vs 15″), but in my eagerness to come out I forgot to breath and needed respiratory help, ventilator at first and CPAP for the first night. Since the next day I am breathing on my own and in Neonatal intermediary care, hopefully after a week I will be released from hospital to meet my brother and family!

Just born In neonatal My neo ID My name tag Me and Mom! Baby-Mom bond Next morning Preparing my transport to Valparaiso van Buren Hospital Change of hospitals In the Carlos van Buren hospital Hello? Who are you? I don't know.. Marcela's hospital release! United! Asleep sleeping my last tube off See, no more tubes! With Mommy! Let me think Taking my temperature Breast feeding! With Dad Sleeping with Dad

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